milan asked:learn more about @ddraculala pls?? thx!!!

dracula, but call me drac
i prefer to go by she/her, but i'm ok with they/he as well! 16 y.o (october 9, 2007). black, italia. eng/fran. bisex!
my discord is @drizzydrake, but i rarely use it.
direct contact through my personal twitter!
other links: spotify,, pinterest, youtube

my main interest is music and i ult aespa. my regulars are ive twice astro p1h le ssera g-idle aespa new jeans. I also like adam driver, lando norris, formula 1, journaling, reading, and mystery friends latte cerezo spectre ito zeya jynx ciel neauvis najma

don't follow if you're.. racist, homophobic, biphobic, a hater for no reason, like to bring others down to make yourself feel better, lie unnecessarily, and if you lack self respect.before you follow I talk about my favs as much as possible, I hyper-fixate on the littlest things, I take my grades and school very seriously, I tend to overthink and get extremely emotional if something doesn't go my way or if my feelings are hurt.